
Streamlining Data Handling in Machine Learning Applications with Apache Avro

by Angus Ferrell, Graduate Student at Carnegie Mellon University

Mar 19, 2024

In the fast-paced domain of machine learning (ML), data serves as the cornerstone upon which predictive models and algorithms stand. The quality of this data directly influences not only the accuracy of predictions but also the overall reliability and scalability of ML systems. Amidst this backdrop, Apache Avro emerges as a pivotal tool, designed to tackle the multifaceted challenges associated with data serialization and ensuring the high quality of data. This blog post aims to demystify how Apache Avro can be effectively leveraged, especially within the context of a movie streaming platform, providing insights into its operational strengths and limitations.

Understanding the Challenge

Data quality issues, characterized by inconsistent formats, missing values, or schema incompatibilities due to evolving systems, pose significant hurdles. Consider the intricacies of managing data in a movie streaming service – from user profiles and preferences to their viewing habits and interactions. The Herculean task of maintaining data consistency, accessibility, and scalability across millions of global users is critical for personalized content recommendations, accurate billing, and efficient content distribution.

How Apache Avro Offers a Solution

Apache Avro steps onto the scene as a formidable ally, offering a schema-based data serialization framework that allows for efficient data processing across different programming languages. This attribute is especially beneficial for a movie streaming service that utilizes a diverse technological stack across its data pipelines.

Embracing Change: Schema Evolution in Data-Driven Applications with Apache Avro

In the dynamic world of data-driven applications, the structure of data can change as new features are added and existing features are refined. This evolution can create significant challenges in data management, particularly in terms of maintaining compatibility across different versions of data schemas. Apache Avro, a data serialization framework, offers a compelling solution to this problem through its support for schema evolution. Let’s explore how Avro enables seamless schema changes, using a movie streaming service as our context.

The Foundation: Data Schema with Apache Avro

Imagine a movie streaming service that logs various types of events: recommendation requests from users, movie watch activities, and user ratings for movies. To handle this data efficiently across different systems and languages, the service uses Apache Avro for data serialization. Avro requires schemas, defined in JSON, which describe the data structures for these events.

Initial Data Schemas

Initially, the streaming service defines the following Avro schemas for its events:

from avro.schema import parse

# Schema for Recommendation Request Events
recommendation_request_schema_json = '''
  "type": "record",
  "name": "RecommendationRequest",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "time", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "userId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "server", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "status", "type": "int"},
    {"name": "recommendations", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null},
    {"name": "responseTime", "type": "int"}

# Schema for Movie Watch Events
movie_watch_event_schema_json = '''
  "type": "record",
  "name": "MovieWatchEvent",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "time", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "userId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "movieId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "minute", "type": "int"}

# Schema for Movie Rating Events
movie_rating_event_schema_json = '''
  "type": "record",
  "name": "MovieRatingEvent",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "time", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "userId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "movieId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "rating", "type": "int"}

# Parse schemas
recommendation_request_schema = parse(recommendation_request_schema_json)
movie_watch_event_schema = parse(movie_watch_event_schema_json)
movie_rating_event_schema = parse(movie_rating_event_schema_json)

These schemas lay the groundwork for consistent data handling across the streaming service’s ecosystem.

See: movie_watch_schema.avsc , movie_rating_schema.avsc , recommendation_request_schema.avsc

As the streaming service evolves, it decides to collect additional information for each event type. This necessitates changes to the existing schemas—a process that could potentially disrupt the service’s operations. However, with Avro’s schema evolution capabilities, these changes can be made seamlessly.

Evolving the Schemas

The service updates its schemas to include new fields: deviceType for recommendation requests, watchedInFull for movie watch events, and ratingContext for movie ratings.

# Evolved Schema for Recommendation Request Events
recommendation_request_schema_evolved_json = '''
  "type": "record",
  "name": "RecommendationRequest",
  "fields": [
    {"name": "time", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "userId", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "server", "type": "string"},
    {"name": "status", "type": "int"},
    {"name": "recommendations", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null},
    {"name": "responseTime", "type": "int"},
    {"name": "deviceType", "type": ["null", "string"], "default": null}  # New field

# Parse evolved schemas
recommendation_request_schema_evolved = parse(recommendation_request_schema_evolved_json)

The new fields are added with default values, ensuring that new data can still be processed by systems using the old schemas, and old data can be understood by systems using the new schemas. This backward and forward compatibility is a cornerstone of Avro’s design.

The Impact of Schema Evolution

Schema evolution with Apache Avro allows the streaming service to adapt to changing requirements without the risk of data incompatibility. It ensures that data remains accessible and usable across different versions of the application, facilitating a smooth evolution of data infrastructure.

Enhancing the “Parsing and Serialization Workflow” section of our blog post, we will dive deeper into how Avro facilitates efficient data handling and explore the pros and cons of using Avro for data serialization and deserialization within a streaming application context.

Enhanced Parsing and Serialization Workflow

Apache Avro provides a robust framework for data serialization, enabling the conversion of complex data structures into a compact binary format. This serialization process is essential for efficient data storage and fast data transmission.

Serialization in Action

Serialization involves translating data structures or object states into a format that can be stored or transmitted and then reconstructing the original object from the serialized data. Here’s a practical example of serialization:

def encode_avro(data, schema):
    writer = DatumWriter(schema)
    bytes_writer = io.BytesIO()
    encoder = BinaryEncoder(bytes_writer)
    writer.write(data, encoder)
    return bytes_writer.getvalue()

In our streaming application, log entries are processed as follows:

  1. Log Entry Loading: Log entries are read from a CSV file, data/master.csv.
  2. Log Entry Parsing: Each log entry is parsed according to its type—recommendation requests, movie watches, or movie ratings.
  3. Data Serialization: Parsed data is serialized using the appropriate Avro schema.
  4. Data Writing: Serialized data is written to Avro files, organized by log entry type.

Deserialization in Action

Deserialization is crucial for reading and processing the serialized data. It involves converting the binary data back into its original form based on the schema used during serialization.

def decode_avro(binary_data, schema):
    bytes_reader = io.BytesIO(binary_data)
    decoder = BinaryDecoder(bytes_reader)
    reader = DatumReader(schema)
    return reader.read(decoder)

Practical Application

To demonstrate the practical application of Apache Avro in a streaming context, let’s take a look at a common scenario in a movie streaming service where movie logs are processed for further analysis.

See repository: GitHub Repository

Input Movie Log: Here’s an example of a movie log input that a streaming service might receive, indicating a user has started watching a movie:

movie_log_input = "2024-03-08T23:06:09,422004,GET /data/m/dear+zachary+a+letter+to+a+son+about+his+father+2008/84.mpg"

See avro_serializer.py for these steps

  1. Extracting Data: The original log entry is extracted from the source, which in most cases is a server log file or Kafka Stream.

  2. Parsing the Log Entry: The log entry is parsed to identify its components – the timestamp, user ID, movie ID, and the specific segment of the movie requested.

  3. Serializing the Data: The parsed data is then serialized using the Avro schema defined for movie watch events (movie_watch_schema.avsc). This schema ensures that each piece of information is correctly formatted and typed.

  4. Storing Serialized Data: The serialized data is stored in an Avro file (movie_watches.avro), which can then be efficiently transmitted or accessed due to its compact binary format.

See avro_deserializer.py for these steps

  1. Deserializing for Use: When the data needs to be analyzed or processed, it is read from the Avro file and deserialized back into its original structure, as illustrated by the output image.

  2. Analysis and Processing: The deserialized data is now ready for various applications, such as feeding into an ML model for predicting user preferences, generating insights for content curation, or enhancing user experience.

# Example: Reading and processing data from 'data/recommendation_requests.avro'

recommendation_data = read_from_avro('data/recommendation_requests.avro', recommendation_request_schema)

output: Movie log output

By following these steps, movie streaming services can handle vast amounts of data effectively, ensuring that data is not only stored and transmitted efficiently but also remains accessible and analyzable as the service scales and evolves.

Apache Avro is a serialization framework that offers efficient data handling capabilities, especially for streaming and machine learning applications. It presents a balanced approach to data management, blending compact storage and efficient processing with robust support for schema evolution and cross-language interoperability. This makes Avro particularly suited for applications requiring not just compact data representation but also a high degree of data compatibility and flexibility.

Strengths of Avro

Limitations of Avro

Final Thoughts

Apache Avro’s strength lies in its schema evolution capabilities and its efficiency in handling large volumes of data. These features are essential for maintaining data quality and compatibility in dynamic, data-intensive environments. Avro is particularly valuable for applications like movie streaming services that continuously adapt and evolve, requiring flexible and reliable data management solutions. Despite the challenges related to schema management and the initial learning curve, the strategic advantages of using Avro—especially in terms of data compatibility and efficiency—make it a compelling choice for many applications. As machine learning and data-driven technologies continue to advance, tools like Avro will play a crucial role in ensuring that data remains a reliable and effective foundation for innovation and growth.


Apache Avro